
    The OPVStability Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) is an interdisciplinary research training network of 10 beneficiary universities from 7 countries. It is funded under the “Excellent Science” cluster of the Horizon Europe program. OPVStability aims to develop the Doctoral Candidate’s scientific expertise to produce excellent research, and interdisciplinary collaboration with scientists from different fields ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Data Science.

    The Project Consortium consists of the following univerisities:

    -Graz University of Technology (Graz, Austria)

    -Johannes Keppler University (Linz, Austria)

    -University of Southern Denmark (Sønderborg, Denmark)

    -Spanish National Research Council, Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)

    -Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Be’er Sheva, Israel)

    -University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany)

    -Karlstad University (Karlstad, Sweden)

    -Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium CERIC (Trieste, Italy)

    -University of Bayreuth (Bayreuth, Germany)

    -University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Erlangen, Germany)